
Practice Japanese Verb Groups

In Japanese, verbs are commonly classified into three main groups: ru-verbs (る-verbs), u-verbs (う-verbs), and irregular verbs. These groups are based on the verb stem's ending and the conjugation patterns they follow.

  1. ru-verbs (る-verbs): ru-verbs are also referred as ichidan verbs. Verbs in this group end in ~る. For example, 食べる (taberu - to eat). If the vowel sound before る is an a, u, or o vowel sound, it will be categorized as a u-verb.
  2. u-verbs (う-verbs): u-verbs are also referred as godan verbs. Verbs in this group end in ~う, ~る, or ~つ. For example, 飲む (nomu - to drink), 買う (kau - to buy), 話す (hanasu - to speak).
  3. Irregular Verbs:: Certain commonly used verbs do not fit neatly into Group 1 or Group 2 and have irregular conjugation patterns. For example, する (suru - to do) and 来る (kuru - to come).

Understanding verb groups is crucial for conjugating verbs in Japanese, as each group has its own set of rules. Mastery of verb conjugation is essential for constructing sentences in different tenses.

JLPT N5 Verbs

Check the table below to learn about verb groups for JLPT N5 verbs.

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to meetau会うあうGodan (u-verb)
to readyomu読むよむGodan (u-verb)
to see; to lookmiru見るみるIchidan (ru-verb)
to waitmatsu待つまつGodan (u-verb)
to runhashiru走るはしるGodan (u-verb)
to workhataraku働くはたらくGodan (u-verb)
to drinknomu飲むのむGodan (u-verb)
to get up; to wake upokiru起きるおきるIchidan (ru-verb)
to eattaberu食べるたべるIchidan (ru-verb)
to hear; to listen (e.g. to music)​kiku聞くきくGodan (u-verb)
to rest; to have a breakyasumu休むやすむGodan (u-verb)
to sleepneru寝るねるIchidan (ru-verb)
to writekaku書くかくGodan (u-verb)
to talk; to speakhanasu話すはなすGodan (u-verb)
to dosuruするするIrregular
to cutkiru切るきるGodan (u-verb)
to buy; to purchasekau買うかうGodan (u-verb)
to goiku行くいくGodan (u-verb)
to return; to go homekaeru帰るかえるGodan (u-verb)
to walkaruku歩くあるくGodan (u-verb)
to sitsuwaru座るすわるGodan (u-verb)
to comekuru来るくるIrregular
to smokesuu吸うすうGodan (u-verb)
to becomenaru成るなるGodan (u-verb)
to dieshinu死ぬしぬGodan (u-verb)
to finish; to endowaru終わるおわるGodan (u-verb)
to knowshiru知るしるGodan (u-verb)
to selluru売るうるGodan (u-verb)
to push; to press (down)osu押すおすGodan (u-verb)
to insert; to put inireru入れるいれるIchidan (ru-verb)
to taketoru取るとるGodan (u-verb)
to enterhairu入るはいるGodan (u-verb)
to swimoyogu泳ぐおよぐGodan (u-verb)
to flytobu飛ぶとぶGodan (u-verb)
to lendkasu貸すかすGodan (u-verb)
to borrowkariru借りるかりるIchidan (ru-verb)
to usetsukau使うつかうGodan (u-verb)
to singutau歌ううたうGodan (u-verb)
to be (inanimate objects); to existaru有るあるGodan (u-verb)
to be (animate objects); to existiru居るいるIchidan (ru-verb)
to sendokuru送るおくるGodan (u-verb)
to sayiu言ういうGodan (u-verb)
to put; to placeoku置くおくGodan (u-verb)
to live (of humans); to residesumu住むすむGodan (u-verb)
to get on (train, plane, bus, ship, etc.)noru乗るのるGodan (u-verb)
to leave; to exitderu出るでるIchidan (ru-verb)
to understandwakaru分かるわかるGodan (u-verb)
to take outdasu出すだすGodan (u-verb)
to hold; to havemotsu持つもつGodan (u-verb)
to differ (from); to be differentchigau違うちがうGodan (u-verb)
to openakeru開けるあけるIchidan (ru-verb)
to closeshimeru閉めるしめるIchidan (ru-verb)
to playasobu遊ぶあそぶGodan (u-verb)
to showmiseru見せるみせるIchidan (ru-verb)
to stand (up)tatsu立つたつGodan (u-verb)
to take (e.g. shower)abiru浴びるあびるIchidan (ru-verb)
to washarau洗うあらうGodan (u-verb)
to line up; to stand in a linenarabu並ぶならぶGodan (u-verb)
to maketsukuru作るつくるGodan (u-verb)
to be able to dodekiru出来るできるIchidan (ru-verb)
to pullhiku引くひくGodan (u-verb)
to turn off; to deletekesu消すけすGodan (u-verb)
to call out (to); to callyobu呼ぶよぶGodan (u-verb)
to memorizeoboeru覚えるおぼえるIchidan (ru-verb)
to get tiredtsukareru疲れるつかれるIchidan (ru-verb)
to be bornumareru生まれるうまれるIchidan (ru-verb)
to put on (one's head); to wearkaburu冠るかぶるGodan (u-verb)
to put on (lower-body clothing); to wearhaku履くはくGodan (u-verb)
to wear (from the shoulders down)kiru着るきるIchidan (ru-verb)
to take (a photograph)toru撮るとるGodan (u-verb)
to arrive at; to reachtsuku着くつくGodan (u-verb)
to turn ontsukeru点けるつけるIchidan (ru-verb)
to get offoriru降りるおりるIchidan (ru-verb)
to go outdekakeru出かけるでかけるIchidan (ru-verb)
to climb upnoboru登るのぼるGodan (u-verb)
to cross overwataru渡るわたるGodan (u-verb)
to line up; to arrange in a linenaraberu並べるならべるIchidan (ru-verb)
to forgetwasureru忘れるわすれるIchidan (ru-verb)
to clear up; to be sunnyhareru晴れるはれるIchidan (ru-verb)
to stop (moving)tomaru止まるとまるGodan (u-verb)
to turnmagaru曲がるまがるGodan (u-verb)
to play (a stringed or keyboard instrument)​hiku弾くひくGodan (u-verb)
to work (for)tsutomeru勤めるつとめるIchidan (ru-verb)
to begin; to starthajimaru始まるはじまるGodan (u-verb)
to answer; to replykotaeru答えるこたえるIchidan (ru-verb)
to openaku開くあくGodan (u-verb)
to closeshimaru閉まるしまるGodan (u-verb)
to fall (of rain, snow, etc.)furu降るふるGodan (u-verb)
to brush (teeth); to polishmigaku磨くみがくGodan (u-verb)
to giveageruあげるあげるIchidan (ru-verb)
to take off (clothes, shoes, etc.)nugu脱ぐぬぐGodan (u-verb)
to blow (of the wind)fuku吹くふくGodan (u-verb)
to request; to asktanomu頼むたのむGodan (u-verb)
to take (a resource, e.g. time or money)​kakaru掛かるかかるGodan (u-verb)
to make (a call)​kakeruかけるかけるIchidan (ru-verb)
to hold up (an umbrella, etc.)sasu差すさすGodan (u-verb)
to return (something)kaesu返すかえすGodan (u-verb)
to hand over; to hand inwatasu渡すわたすGodan (u-verb)
to go out; to disappearkieru消えるきえるIchidan (ru-verb)
to bloom; to flowersaku咲くさくGodan (u-verb)
to tie; to fasten; to tighten​shimeru締めるしめるIchidan (ru-verb)
to be troubled; to have difficultykomaru困るこまるGodan (u-verb)
to stick; to pasteharu張るはるGodan (u-verb)
to make sound (of an animal)naku鳴くなくGodan (u-verb)
to neediru要るいるGodan (u-verb)
JLPT N5 Verbs

Godan verbs with iru/eru endings

Here is a list of common u-verbs ending with iru/eru.

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to neediru要るいるGodan (u-verb)
to return; to go homekaeru帰るかえるGodan (u-verb)
to cutkiru切るきるGodan (u-verb)
to knowshiru知るしるGodan (u-verb)
to enterhairu入るはいるGodan (u-verb)
to runhashiru走るはしるGodan (u-verb)
to talk; to chatshaberuしゃべるしゃべるGodan (u-verb)
to decrease (in size or number)heru減るへるGodan (u-verb)
to be in a hurry; to be impatientaseru焦るあせるGodan (u-verb)
to restrict; to limitkagiru限るかぎるGodan (u-verb)
to kickkeru蹴るけるGodan (u-verb)
to glide; to slide (e.g. on skis)suberu滑るすべるGodan (u-verb)
to grasp; to gripnigiru握るにぎるGodan (u-verb)
u-verbs with iru/eru endings