
Number of People

Counting People using the Japanese Counter nin

The Japanese counter 人 (nin) is used to count people. This counter is applicable to all individuals, including men, women and children.

Practice Japanese counter 人 (nin):

Check the table below to learn how to count the number of people in Japanese.

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JapaneseToggle Visibility
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one personhitori一人ひとり
two peoplefutari二人ふたり
three peoplesannin三人さんにん
four peopleyonin四人よにん
five peoplegonin五人ごにん
six peoplerokunin六人ろくにん
seven peopleshichinin七人しちにん
eight peoplehachinin八人はちにん
nine peoplekyuunin九人きゅうにん
ten peoplejuunin十人じゅうにん
how many peoplenannin何人なんにん
How to say number of people using counter 人 (nin)

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