
Meaning and Usage of toki 時(とき)

toki (とき) functions similarly to the English word "when". It creates a time clause that specifies when something occurs and indicates the timing of actions or events within a sentence. For instance, in the sentence "学校に行く時、友達に会います" (gakkou ni iku toki, tomodachi ni aimasu), "toki" connects the action of going to school with meeting friends, specifying the time at which the meeting happens.

Grammar: とき
Translation: when

How to structure sentences using とき?

  1. Verb + とき
  2. い Adjective + とき
  3. な Adjective + とき
  4. Noun + の + とき

Example Sentences (5)

Natsuyasumi no toki, umi de oyogimasu.
During summer vacation, I swim in the sea.
Kodomo datta toki, anime ga daisuki deshita.
When I was a child, I loved anime.
Unten o suru toki, sumaho wa zettai ni tsukaimasen.
When I drive, I never use my smartphone.
Samui toki, kooto o kimasu.
When it's cold, I wear a coat.
Yuki no toki, yukidaruma o tsukurimasu.
When it snows, I make a snowman.