
Meaning and Usage of node (ので)

"ので" (node) is a conjunction that means "because", "so" or "since. It is used to provide a reason or explanation for something.

Grammar: ので
Translation: because; since; so

How to structure sentences using ので?

  1. Verb + ので + Clause
  2. い Adjective + ので + Clause
  3. な Adjective + な + ので + Clause
  4. Noun + な + ので + Clause

Example Sentences (10)

Koko wa byouin na node shizuka ni shite kudasai.
This is a hospital, so please be quiet.
Kare wa gakusei na node waribiki ga arimasu.
He is a student, so there is a discount.
Sono resutoran wa yasui node, gakusei ni ninki ga arimasu.
Since that restaurant is cheap, it is popular among students.
Kyou wa kinyoubi na node, tomodachi ni aimasu.
Today is Friday, so I will meet my friends.
Kare wa isogashii node, au jikan ga arimasen.
He is busy, so he doesn't have time to meet.
Ano eiga wa yuumei na node, takusan no hito ga mi ni ikimashita.
That movie is famous, so many people went to see it.
Ame ga futte iru node, kasa o motte ikimasu.
It's raining, so I will take an umbrella with me.
Nihongo ga jouzu ni naritai node, mainichi benkyou shite imasu.
I want to become good at Japanese, so I study every day.
Atsui node, eakon o tsukemasu.
It's hot, so I will turn on the air conditioner.
Ashita hayaku okiru node, konban wa hayaku nemasu.
I will wake up early tomorrow, so I will go to bed early tonight.

node vs kara

Both node and kara express reason or cause. However, "node" is more objective than "kara". ので (node) has a gentler and more polite tone.

nanode vs node

When 'node' follows a noun or na adjective, we add 'na' to the beginning, making it 'nanode'.