
Meaning and Usage of Dake (だけ)

In Japanese, だけ (dake) means "only" or "just." It limits what comes before it, showing exclusivity. For example, "一人だけ" (hitori dake) means "only one person," and "見るだけ" (miru dake) means "just look." It can also mean "enough," like in "これだけでいい" (kore dake de ii), which means "this alone is enough." だけ is a useful word to show limitation or sufficiency in everyday Japanese.

Grammar: だけ
Translation: only; just

How to structure sentences using だけ?

  1. Verb + だけ
  2. い Adjective + だけ
  3. な Adjective + な + だけ
  4. Noun + だけ

Example Sentences (5)

Kesa wa koohii dake nomimasu.
This morning I will only drink coffee.
Ani wa suugaku dake ga heta desu.
My older brother is only bad at math.
Kono hon wa nihongo dake desu.
This book is only in Japanese.
Kono resutoran wa sushi dake utteimasu.
This restaurant only sells sushi.
Watashi no tomodachi wa eigo dake hanashimasu.
My friend only speaks English.

dake vs shika

"Dake" is used with positive verbs, while "shika" is used with negative verbs.

Hiragana dake ga yomeru.
I can only read hiragana.
Hiragana shika yomenai.
I can only read hiragana.