JLPT N4 Grammar List - Page 9
Master the intermediate grammar concepts required for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N4. Each grammar topic includes detailed examples, providing you with the essential knowledge to build upon your foundational Japanese skills. If you're not familiar with N5 grammar yet, check out our JLPT N5 Grammar List first.
used to list multiple reasons or examples
nominalizes a clause ('the fact that')
Indicates third-person expressions of feelings or desires
almost every (as if each one); like every~
such; that kind of
made of; constructed from
imperative command (do…)
made with/by (describing method or material)
surely; undoubtedly; almost certainly
one of; among many
Indicates that something remains in its original state, unmodified or unchanged.
not very (when paired with negatives)
almost all; nearly all
if (for emphasis; hypothetical)
marks the indirect object, destination, time, or target as the topic—often used to emphasize or contrast that specific aspect
indicates that even the specified target (location, time, or recipient) is included; 'even for…' or 'also for…'
marks the location, means, or method as the topic—emphasizing the specific context in which something occurs
indicates that even in or by the given location, means, or method, the stated condition applies—'even with/in…'
it would be good if... (giving advice/suggestions)
to start doing something