JLPT N4 Grammar List - Page 7
Master the intermediate grammar concepts required for the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) N4. Each grammar topic includes detailed examples, providing you with the essential knowledge to build upon your foundational Japanese skills. If you're not familiar with N5 grammar yet, check out our JLPT N5 Grammar List first.
to notice; to realize
whether… or…
it is said that; reportedly
shows (third-person) feelings or desires
indicates a change of state or result
comes to be; becomes (through gradual change)
continuously; without interruption
like that; such
just about to; on the verge of
I wonder…?
is considered; regarded as
more than (or equal to); at least
rapidly; progressively
made from; created with
to cause something to become…
suddenly; abruptly; unexpectedly
make an effort to do (verb)
There is no X that doesn't Y; All X do Y; Without exception, every X does Y (strong affirmation/universality)
not few; quite a few
pluralizing suffix (e.g., 僕ら (bokura) for 'we', 彼ら (karera) for 'they')