
Counter for Machines and Furniture

Japanese Counter for Machines and Furniture dai

The Japanese counter 台 (dai) is used to count machines, electrical devices, vehicles, and furniture.

Practice counting with the 台 (dai) counter:

Review the table below to learn how to count machines, vehicles and furniture in Japanese.

EnglishToggle Visibility
RomajiToggle Visibility
JapaneseToggle Visibility
KanaToggle Visibility
one machineichidai一台いちだい
two machinesnidai二台にだい
three machinessandai三台さんだい
four machinesyondai四台よんだい
five machinesgodai五台ごだい
six machinesrokudai六台ろくだい
seven machinesnanadai七台ななだい
eight machineshachidai八台はちだい
nine machineskyuudai九台きゅうだい
ten machinesjuudai十台じゅうだい
how many machinesnandai何台なんだい
Counter for Machines & Furniture (Kanji, Hiragana and Romaji)

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