
Days of the Month in Japanese

Days of the month in Japanese with Kanji, Hiragana and Romaji readings

The counter for days of the month is 〜日 (~にち, 〜nichi), though there are numerous exceptions, so it's necessary to memorize vocabulary with specific readings.

Practice memorizing the days of the month:

Refer to the table below to learn how to count days in kanji, hiragana, and romaji.

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1st day of the monthtsuitachi一日ついたち
2nd day of the monthfutsuka二日ふつか
3rd day of the monthmikka三日みっか
4th day of the monthyokka四日よっか
5th day of the monthitsuka五日いつか
6th day of the monthmuika六日むいか
7th day of the monthnanoka七日なのか
8th day of the monthyouka八日ようか
9th day of the monthkokonoka九日ここのか
10th day of the monthtooka十日とおか
11th day of the monthjuuichinichi十一日じゅういちにち
12th day of the monthjuuninichi十二日じゅうににち
13th day of the monthjuusannichi十三日じゅうさんにち
14th day of the monthjuuyokka十四日じゅうよっか
15th day of the monthjuugonichi十五日じゅうごにち
16th day of the monthjuurokunichi十六日じゅうろくにち
17th day of the monthjuushichinichiじゅうしちにちじゅうしちにち
18th day of the monthjuuhachinichi十八日じゅうはちにち
19th day of the monthjuukunichi十九日じゅうくにち
20th day of the monthhatsuka二十日はつか
21st day of the monthnijuuichinichi二十一日にじゅういちにち
22nd day of the monthnijuuninichi二十二日にじゅうににち
23rd day of the monthnijuusannichi二十三日にじゅうさんにち
24th day of the monthnijuuyokka二十四日にじゅうよっか
25th day of the monthnijuugonichi二十五日にじゅうごにち
26th day of the monthnijuurokunichi二十六日にじゅうろくにち
27th day of the monthnijuushichinichi二十七日にじゅうしちにち
28th day of the monthnijuuhachinichi二十八日にじゅうはちにち
29th day of the monthnijuukunichi二十九日にじゅうくにち
30th day of the monthsanjuunichi三十日さんじゅうにち
31st day of the monthsanjuuichinichi三十一日さんじゅういちにち
what daynannichi何日なんにち
How do you say days of the month in Japanese?

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