
Counting Hours in Japanese

Hours in Japanese

The Japanese counter 時 (ji) is used for counting hours in Japanese. When attached to a number, it means "o'clock" and indicates the exact hour on the clock.

Practice counting hours with the counter 時 (ji):

Review the table below to grasp the hours in Japanese, including their kanji, hiragana, and romaji readings.

EnglishToggle Visibility
RomajiToggle Visibility
JapaneseToggle Visibility
KanaToggle Visibility
one o'clockichiji一時いちじ
two o'clockniji二時にじ
three o'clocksanji三時さんじ
four o'clockyoji四時よじ
five o'clockgoji五時ごじ
six o'clockrokuji六時ろくじ
seven o'clockshichiji七時しちじ
eight o'clockhachiji八時はちじ
nine o'clockkuji九時くじ
ten o'clockjuuji十時じゅうじ
eleven o'clockjuuichiji十一時じゅういちじ
twelve o'clockjuuniji十二時じゅうにじ
what timenanji何時なんじ
How to count hours in Japanese?

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