
Counter for Floors of a Building

Japanese Counter for Floors of a Building kai

The Japanese counter 階 (kai) is used to count the floors of a building.

Practice the counter kai:

Review the table below to learn how to count floors in Japanese.

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first floorikkai一階いっかい
second floornikai二階にかい
third floorsangai三階さんがい
fourth flooryonkai四階よんかい
fifth floorgokai五階ごかい
sixth floorrokkai六階ろっかい
seventh floornanakai七階ななかい
eighth floorhakkai八階はっかい
ninth floorkyuukai九階きゅうかい
tenth floorjukkai十階じゅっかい
which floornangai何階なんがい
Floors in Japanese (Kanji, Hiragana and Romaji)

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